No existen más que dos reglas para escribir: tener algo que decir y decirlo. Oscar Wilde

jueves, 25 de enero de 2024



En el mes de septiembre de 2023 salió publicado mi segundo libro LA TERRAZA AZUL 

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  2. Tu blog se ha convertido en mi referencia cuando busco información valiosa.

  3. Is anyone here going through financial hardship? Please read below...
    A group of loan and investment company are offering loan 2% annual return with a flexible loan repayment plan to suit your needs either business or personal loans they are willing to help as long as you are trustworthy person willing to make a return, I just acquire my loan of 750,000 USD from the loan company and I will be paying back in 7 years time which will really help me in my line of business as a start up business personal. I will recommend their email and whatsapp address to anyone to contact them and acquire your loan as soon as possible because this is a great opportunity for you all.
    Contact Email;
    Whatsapp +393510140339
